Pubg Global Championship Liquipedia Pubg Wiki
pgc4 About [] Global Invitational Era (2018) [] Serving as the first international PUBG Esports tournament hosted by PUBG Corp., and a precursor to the Global Championship, the 2018 PUBG Global Invitational was announced on 24th April of 2018, and was hosted in the Berlin's Mercedes-Benz Arena in July of 2018. PGI featured 20 teams from 11 competitive regions, decided through the regional ...
pgc4 About [] Global Invitational Era (2018) [] Serving as the first international PUBG Esports tournament hosted by PUBG Corp., and a precursor to the Global Championship, the 2018 PUBG Global Invitational was announced on 24th April of 2018, and was hosted in the Berlin's Mercedes-Benz Arena in July of 2018. PGI featured 20 teams from 11 competitive regions, decided through the regional ...
pgc4 About [] Global Invitational Era (2018) [] Serving as the first international PUBG Esports tournament hosted by PUBG Corp., and a precursor to the Global Championship, the 2018 PUBG Global Invitational was announced on 24th April of 2018, and was hosted in the Berlin's Mercedes-Benz Arena in July of 2018. PGI featured 20 teams from 11 competitive regions, decided through the regional ...